Behind the Curtain

Common Scams in Web Design
and Development

Exposing the Dark Side of Web Development

Fraud Tactics and How to Avoid Them


Written by DigiTech360

July 18, 2024

In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Web design and development play a significant role in shaping this presence, but the industry is not without its pitfalls. Numerous scams can leave businesses with subpar websites, depleted budgets, and shattered expectations. This article delves into the common scams in web design and development, backed by case studies and stories, to help you navigate the landscape more safely.

What is Web Design and Development?

Definition of Web Design

Web design involves creating the visual aspects of a website. This includes layout, color schemes, typography, and overall aesthetics. The goal is to create a user-friendly and appealing interface that enhances user experience.

Definition of Web Development

Web development, on the other hand, refers to building and maintaining the core structure of a website. This includes coding, programming, and ensuring that the website functions smoothly. It encompasses both front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) development.

Key Differences and Overlaps

While web design focuses on the visual elements, web development is about functionality. However, both disciplines overlap significantly, as a seamless and appealing website requires a blend of both aesthetics and functionality.

The Landscape of Web Design and Development

web development landscape

Current Trends

The web design and development field is constantly evolving. Current trends include responsive design, mobile-first development, and the integration of AI and machine learning. Keeping up with these trends is essential for creating competitive and modern websites.

Importance for Businesses

A well-designed and functional website is vital for business success. It enhances credibility, improves user engagement, and can significantly impact conversion rates. Hence, investing in professional web design and development is non-negotiable for businesses aiming to thrive online.

Common Scams in Web Design and Development

web development scam

Fake Portfolios

What are Fake Portfolios?

Fake portfolios are fabricated showcases of work that the designer or developer claims to have done. These portfolios can be stolen from other professionals or entirely fictional.

How to Identify Fake Portfolios?

Look for inconsistencies in style, verify with past clients, and use reverse image searches to check the authenticity of the work showcased.

Overcharging for Services

Hidden Fees and Unnecessary Add-Ons

Some developers might lure clients with low initial quotes but later add hidden fees or push unnecessary services, significantly inflating the final cost.

How to Avoid Being Overcharged?

Request detailed quotes, compare multiple offers, and be wary of prices that seem too good to be true. Ensure everything is documented and agreed upon upfront.


Poor Quality Deliverables

Signs of Poor Quality Work

Low-quality deliverables can manifest as poorly coded websites, non-responsive designs, or slow-loading pages. These issues can severely impact user experience and SEO.

Real-Life Examples

A small business might hire a developer who promises a state-of-the-art website but ends up with a site that looks outdated and performs poorly, affecting their online presence.

Delayed Timelines

Impact of Delays

Delayed projects can disrupt business plans and lead to financial losses. It’s a common issue where developers either overcommit or lack the necessary skills to deliver on time.

Disappearing Developers

What Happens When Developers Disappear?

Some developers might take an upfront payment and vanish, leaving the client with an incomplete project and financial loss.

Preventive Measures

To prevent this, check the developer’s reputation, insist on a contract with milestones, and consider using platforms that offer payment protection.


Plagiarized Work

Risks of Plagiarized Content

Plagiarized content can lead to legal issues and damage your site’s SEO ranking. It’s crucial to ensure the originality of the work provided.

How to Spot Plagiarism?

Use plagiarism detection tools, request original design files, and ensure the developer understands the importance of originality.

Domain Hijacking

How Developers Hijack Domains

Domain hijacking occurs when a developer registers the domain in their own name rather than the client’s. This gives them control over the domain, and they can hold it hostage to demand more money.

The Financial and Operational Impact

Having your domain hijacked can be devastating. It can interrupt your online operations, damage your reputation, and force you to pay exorbitant fees to regain control.

Preventing Domain Hijacking

Ensure that you register the domain yourself or that it is registered in your name. Regularly check the domain registration details and have a clear agreement with your developer about domain ownership.

Case Studies and Stories

web development fraud

Small Business Scammed by Fake Portfolio

A small bakery hired a web designer based on an impressive portfolio. It turned out the work showcased was stolen from other designers. The bakery ended up with a poorly designed site and had to hire another professional to fix the mess.

E-commerce Store Overcharged and Under-delivered

An online retail store was quoted a reasonable price, but hidden fees and unnecessary add-ons doubled the cost. The final product was riddled with issues, affecting the store’s functionality and sales.

Startup Suffered Due to Disappearing Developer

A tech startup hired a developer who took an upfront payment and disappeared halfway through the project. The startup had to scramble to find another developer, leading to significant delays and lost opportunities.

The Story of a Stolen Identity: Web Developer Edition

A freelancer found their identity stolen by an unscrupulous developer. The thief used the freelancer’s name and portfolio to scam multiple clients, leaving a trail of angry customers and a damaged reputation.

The Freelancer Who Promised the Moon but Delivered Dust

A small tech company hired a freelancer who promised cutting-edge features and rapid delivery. Instead, they received a buggy, half-finished site months past the deadline. The freelancer vanished, and the company had to invest heavily to salvage the project.

A Domain Held Hostage: The Hijacking Horror

A nonprofit organization found their domain hijacked by a developer they had hired. The developer demanded an exorbitant amount to release the domain. The nonprofit had to pay up to avoid losing their online presence, leading to significant financial strain.

Protecting Yourself from Scams

a man protecting from web design and development fraud

Research and Vetting

Thoroughly research potential developers. Check their online reviews, ask for references, and verify their portfolio.

Clear Contracts and Agreements

Always have a detailed contract outlining the scope of work, timelines, payment schedules, and deliverables. This can protect both parties and provide a clear framework for the project.

Navigating the web design and development landscape can be tricky, but being aware of common scams can help you avoid pitfalls. By doing thorough research, having clear agreements, and using reputable platforms, you can protect yourself and ensure a successful project. Stay vigilant, and remember that a good web design and development investment pays off in the long run.


How can I verify the authenticity of a web designer's portfolio?

Verify the portfolio by contacting past clients, using reverse image searches, and looking for consistency in style and quality.


What should I include in a contract to protect myself from scams?

Include detailed descriptions of the scope of work, timelines, payment schedules, deliverables, and terms for revisions and cancellations.

Are there reliable platforms to find trustworthy web developers?

Yes, platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Toptal have vetting processes and provide protection measures that can help you find reliable developers.

What are some red flags to watch out for when hiring a web developer?

Red flags include unusually low quotes, reluctance to provide references, lack of a clear contract, and pressure to pay large upfront fees.

How can I ensure the quality of the work delivered?

Ensure quality by setting clear expectations, requesting regular updates, and using third-party tools to verify the work’s quality.

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